Martin Wikaira Toitū Te Waiora Martin Wikaira, of Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngapuhi, is a known Iwi leader and trusted former senior public servant. He has over 20 years’ experience working in the Mãori Crown space, building and maintaining effective relationships between Mãori/Iwi and the Crown, and key sector groups. Martin is a skilled people leader who specialises in diverse teams within complex settings and leads confidently in te Ao Mãori, te Ao Pakeha and government settings. He has experience in negotiating key government policies at national and international levels; including indigenous matters, trade negotiation issues, Mãori business growth and development opportunities. He has an extensive engagement network across Aotearoa and the globe. As a former educationalist, a senior public servant and Iwi business leader, Martin is proud to join Toitü te Waiora in creating pathways and opportunities for our communities to build their futures.