
Image of Zeena Khan

Zeena Khan

Ringa Hora - Pacific Transformation Lead

Zeena Khan, Mata Ā-Kiwa, Pacific Transformation Lead. 

Born in Suva Fiji, from the village of Levuka, a dynamic individual of Chinese, Fijian, and Indian heritage. Zeena, decided to lean into curiosity, moving from South Auckland to Wellington (2019) to explore new opportunities. 

Zeena’s leadership journey spans several industries – Finance, Manufacturing, Utilities, and Education with a strong thread of Technology throughout, in both private and public sectors. Her expertise is in change management and learning and development.  

A champion of lifelong learning Zeena serves on two advisory boards with an education and STEMM focus. From a community perspective, Zeena served as Wellington Regional Area Director, Toastmasters NZ (2020) mentoring members in the art of public speaking.